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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

What foods should you eat before bed?

Indigestion can cause bloating because the digestive system takes different amounts of time to digest different types of food. If we eat and then lie down, food will remain and ferment, creating gas in the stomach, which can cause heartburn, stomach tightness, and bloating. Which

Exercise to lose weight and healthy.

Exercise is an activity that involves physical exertion or movement of the body, which comes in many forms. Regular exercise is beneficial to health by helping to regulate the body and control emotions very well. Clear Benefits of Regular Exercise Preparing before starting to exercise

Don’t want to get a stomachache you can prevent it yourself.

The organs in the abdominal cavity, whether it is the stomachache, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, liver, gallbladder, bile duct, pancreas, are all important internal organs, starting from eating, including digesting and excreting waste from the body. Whenever these organs do not function properly, they