What are the benefits of drinking almond milk

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What are the benefits of drinking almond milk.

Almond milk nutrition

With only 39 calories per cup (240 ml), almond milk is very low in calories compared with cow’s milk and other plant-based beverages. It also contains various nutrients.

One cup (240 ml) of commercial almond milk provides

  • Calories: 39
  • Fat: 3 grams
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Carbs: 3.5 grams
  • Fiber: 0.5 grams
  • Calcium: 24% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Potassium: 4% of the DV
  • Vitamin D: 18% of the DV
  • Vitamin E: 110% of the DV

Unsweetened varieties are low in sugar

Most people eat too much added sugar in the form https://ufabet999.app of desserts, drinks, and sweeteners. Thus, choosing food and beverages naturally low in sugar can help you manage weight and limit your risk of certain chronic diseases

Many plant-based milks are flavored and sweetened. In fact, 1 cup (240 ml) of chocolate-flavored almond milk can pack upwards of 21 grams of added sugar more than 5 teaspoons

Almond milk is made from finely ground almonds, filtered to get only water, and sweetened with stevia, brown sugar, or honey. It is currently popular among health-conscious people and is a new alternative for those who are allergic to lactose in cow’s milk or want to drink milk from plants. What are the outstanding advantages.

What are the benefits of drinking.

1. Eat and feel full for a long time. No saturated fat.

2. Compared to cow’s milk, it has lower calories (when calculated from unflavored.

3. People who are allergic to cow’s milk can drink it because it is lactose-free.

4. Rich in vitamins, especially vitamins D and E.

– Vitamin D: Increases calcium, making bones and teeth strong.

– Vitamin E: Increases antioxidants, reduces stress, and fights inflammation.

5. Rich in minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium.